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Do I have to register?

- If you are a guest who wants to enjoy the Karnival then no, you do not need to register!

- If you are a vendor, vet, rescue, or other organization then yes, we ask that you fill out the registration form so we can reserve your space and time for you. Please contact us if you have any questions about registering.




Will there be security at the event?

-Yes, Security will be at the event, in addition to local law enforcement. This is to ensure the safety of all guest and pet involved. They will also be enforcing our event rules so be sure you know the rules before you go!


Will I be able to re-enter the event?

-Yes, as long as you keep your wristband on, you will be allowed to leave and re-enter through the entrances.


Where is the entrance?

-There will be two entrances that you will be permitted entry through, on either side of the Morton Fitness Center on the East side of campus. These entrances are marked on the map for your convenience.




What will the weather be like?

-Because this event is being held in late September in Texas we are hoping for warm temperatures and sunny to mostly sunny weather. However, we recommend that you check the local forecast before the event to make sure to dress appropriately and bring any supplies you may need.


What happens if there is bad weather?

-In case of bad weather (ie heavy rain, storms, strong winds) we will attempt to move as much of the event indoors as possible. However, if needed some parts of the event will be canceled or shut down early.




Is my pet allowed?

-We welcome any and all pets that are friendly and properly leashed or kenneled. If your pet is aggressive, has a history of bad behavior, or does not do well in large crowds, it might be better to leave them at home. We ask that you use a sturdy leash on all dogs and a secure kennel for all cats.


Is my exotic pet allowed?

-We would love to see your pot belly pig, miniature pony, rabbit, or any other exotic animal! However, keep in mind that this event is designed with dogs in mind and there will be a large number of canines at the event. If your pet is at risk by being around dogs, please leave them at home. If you have a secure leash/harness or kennel for your pet, and they do not mind being around lots of dogs and people, then they are welcome.


My pet does not do well in crowds or is not friendly, will I still be able to attend?

-Yes, You can still attend the event if your dog is simply shy, and keep them near the edges instead of allowing them to run in the free play areas. However if your dog has a history of agression it might be better to keep them at home. Behaviors that are not allowed include: Biting or snapping, nipping at patrons or other dogs, excessive or agressive barking, or any other signs of agression. There will be small children and numerous other pets at the event and our goal is to keep everybody safe. Keep in mind that if your pet poses a severe risk people/staff at the event, you may be asked to leave.



Can I bring outside food/drink?

-Yes! You can bring coolers, food, drinks, etc. But we ask that you leave alcohol or adult beverages at home because this is a family-friendly event.


Can I bring professional photography or videography equipment?

-Yes, with a couple of conditions. If you are planning on capturing pictures/video for your organization or club only, then you will only need to ask permission from the individuals and owners that you are working with. If you plan on capturing pictures/video of the event as a whole we ask that you register as an organization.



Can I bring my firearm? (Concealed or not)

-No, despite the passing of legislation that allows for concealed handgun carry on Texas college campuses, Texas Wesleyan University is a private university and opted out of this legislation, and has their own regulation that does not permit any handguns (concealed or open) on the campus. Please leave all firearms/handguns at home or safely locked inside your vehicle.


Can I bring alcohol or adult beverages?

-No, we ask that you leave all alcohol or adult beverages at home because this is a family-friendly event. However, any other food or drink is acceptable.

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